Get Connected
This is how we do community. Wherever you are on your faith journey, there is a place for you to get involved.

Growth Tracks
Growth Tracks is for you to get to know our culture and heart here at the Rose Church. If you just started attending Rose, we would love for you to attend Welcome Dinner and Welcome to Teams so that we can assist you in getting connected.
Part 1
Welcome Dinner
Welcome Dinner is part 1 in Growth Tracks and happens every first Wednesday of the month. Consider this an introduction to our church, team, culture and where you are able to begin to discover your purpose and if Rose Church is a place you want to invest your time, talent and treasure.
Part 2
Welcome to Teams
The second part of Growth Tracks happens every Sunday after a Welcome Dinner. It’s your next step if you want to get involved with any of our serve teams. We have created this course to help you understand not only your God given gifts and function, but dive deeper into our team culture, vision, and purpose.
Connect Groups

Don’t Do Life Alone
We believe Connect Groups are the lifeline to community and no matter the circumstances we’re committed to community. Connect Groups are small gatherings of people meeting in different places around the Portland metro area to eat, hang out and do life together.